Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Being part of the school, reading out-loud, and relationship with your students!

So, the best part of my week was meeting all the other teachers and people that work at my school in different departments. Basically I was building a social network, not intentionally and that was the best of it. Other teachers are very friendly in my school; they do not shy away from meeting even a lowly practicum teacher.  They treat you as if your presence there is just as important as they fellow coworkers. I, also, got an opportunity to be a chaperon for a prom, which is exciting for me. I never got a chance to go to my own prom, so this is kind of a way to experience that, but also get to be involved in a school life.

            This week what was memorable to me and that I would like to take away for my own teaching repertoire was reading out-loud to the students. It is not just reading out-loud, but my cooperative teacher did all the voices when reading and it was fun and the students loved it just as much. My cooperative teacher said that they tell him that is what they remembered and enjoyed about the class the most. I think it makes reading fun for the students. Not all of them associate reading with fun. A lot of students I know struggle with finding time to read and also motivation to do so; therefore, having time to read as a class helps solve some of that problem.

            A conflicting situation that did not really happened to me, but that I witnessed was that this student was walking in the hall and saying that he/she is not going to the 6th period class. The student was saying how much he/she did not like that teacher and that the teacher was out to get him/her. I think that made me think about the importance of a good relationship with your students, because if the student feels that you are, as a teacher, do not treat him/her, then the student would not even want to be in your class. Then, learning does not happen. I just encouraged that student, saying that it is just one more period and that he/she can do it, and then he/she is free. It is better to go, but I also could understand his/her point of view.

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