Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meeting the new classroom!!!

Since this was my first week working with new class and new students, the highlight of my week was meeting the students and being surprised at how brilliant they all were. I am working in an AP English classroom and the students have exceeded my expectations if I had any. They are just a joy to my heart. I guess I warmed up to them.

            Anyway, there were few students who a few years ago barely spoke any English and now were an AP classroom and according to the teacher were doing very well and made huge leaps in their knowledge of the language and in class. Another boy was Autistic and he moved from a special classroom to a regular classroom to an AP course. Talking to him, I never would have known that; I thought he was just a little peculiar. It was interesting to talk to the students about the books, them showing interest in what we were reading. That boy goes I did not expect this book to be good, not that we discussed it more and I understood it more, I want to read more and more. That was a good feeling, connecting with the students. You just ask what they think about certain subjects or books and they open up in a way you never would have expected it. So that definitely made my week.

            So this kind of interactions made me think differently about capabilities of students. We sometimes do not expect as much, but I think we should, because the students can surprise us. I always wanted and definitely would adapt a way of teaching that lets students have a chance to talk about their thoughts on books and share their responses about what we are studying.

Also, one thing my cooperative teacher does is have a free come and go policy, meaning he does not write passes for the students, but if they need to use the restroom or get a book from the library, they have freedom to go and do that, just like in a college classroom. Of course they are seniors and juniors, but to my surprise they also did not abuse it. I think I might adapt that, be freer about those things. One thing to remember is of course set clear expectations and my teacher said I give you freedom, but if you are gone for 15 minutes, you know that consequences of that, so just remember that. And guess what? It works. They been so good about it, but then again the teacher had a whole year to work with them on it. It takes time. Lastly, there were not any perplexing situations this week; it was very smooth.


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